Your Ultimate Financial Reporting Connector

Author: BrizoSystem

  • How to use Dashboards

    The video demonstrates the dashboards feature in BrizoSystem. After logging in, users are presented with four default dashboards: Main, Profitability, Asset, and Debt Management. Each dashboard displays specific financial metrics, such as net profit and revenue. Administrators can create custom dashboards using the ‘Custom’ option, adding various cards like charts, numbers, combined figures, tables, and…

  • Create a consolidated organisation

    The video tutorial guides users on creating a consolidated organization in BrizoSystem. It starts by logging in and selecting the “Create a Consolidated Organisation” option. The tutorial demonstrates building the organization hierarchy by adding individual organizations (e.g., Xero, QBO, MYOB) and saving the structure. Users are shown how to connect each organization to BrizoSystem, such…

  • Create a single organisation

    The video provides a step-by-step tutorial on how to create a single organization in BrizoSystem. It begins by guiding users through the login process and selecting the “Create a Single Organisation” option. The video emphasizes how to connect to an accounting system or upload data using a CSV file, showing the steps to upload the…